W1U 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 3 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 3 Postcodes (Active). W1U 3 postcode sector comprises of 133 active postcodes. W1U 3 sector has a population of 392, and it has 220 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 3 postcode sector

W1U 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 392
Addresses / Property Count 220
Active Postcodes 133
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 133 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 3AA 51.51693200 -0.15496700 N/A N/A 528117 181392
W1U 3AB 51.51668300 -0.15186000 N/A N/A 528333 181370
W1U 3AE 51.51821200 -0.15357100 6 11 528210 181537
W1U 3AF 51.51733800 -0.15402500 6 13 528181 181439
W1U 3AH 51.51712300 -0.15579200 N/A N/A 528059 181412
W1U 3AJ 51.51663300 -0.15153100 N/A N/A 528356 181365
W1U 3AW 51.51621800 -0.15130600 1 1 528373 181319
W1U 3AY 51.51639800 -0.15134200 N/A N/A 528370 181339
W1U 3AZ 51.51370200 -0.15087500 N/A N/A 528410 181040
W1U 3BD 51.51706700 -0.15168600 4 7 528344 181413
W1U 3BE 51.51706700 -0.15168600 2 3 528344 181413
W1U 3BF 51.51702200 -0.15154800 6 8 528354 181408
W1U 3BG 51.51706700 -0.15168600 7 10 528344 181413
W1U 3BL 51.51726400 -0.15505100 N/A N/A 528110 181429
W1U 3BN 51.51731400 -0.15294800 N/A N/A 528256 181438
W1U 3BQ 51.51674300 -0.15162700 N/A N/A 528349 181377
W1U 3BW 51.51770700 -0.15522000 N/A N/A 528097 181478
W1U 3BX 51.51726400 -0.15505100 N/A N/A 528110 181429
W1U 3BY 51.51726400 -0.15505100 N/A N/A 528110 181429
W1U 3BZ 51.51778000 -0.15529000 N/A N/A 528092 181486
W1U 3DA 51.51820400 -0.15191400 2 3 528325 181539
W1U 3DB 51.51819800 -0.15208700 3 8 528313 181538
W1U 3DD 51.51819800 -0.15208700 3 3 528313 181538
W1U 3DE 51.51827900 -0.15270400 N/A N/A 528270 181546
W1U 3DG 51.51829500 -0.15312100 1 4 528241 181547
W1U 3DJ 51.51829700 -0.15326500 1 2 528231 181547
W1U 3DL 51.51831600 -0.15333700 1 2 528226 181549
W1U 3DN 51.51831800 -0.15342300 2 5 528220 181549
W1U 3DP 51.51790100 -0.15538900 N/A N/A 528085 181499
W1U 3DQ 51.51829500 -0.15312100 1 4 528241 181547
W1U 3DR 51.51766900 -0.15206900 7 18 528316 181479
W1U 3DT 51.51759900 -0.15231300 N/A N/A 528299 181471
W1U 3DU 51.51750800 -0.15224500 N/A N/A 528304 181461
W1U 3DY 51.51727200 -0.15201300 2 6 528321 181435
W1U 3DZ 51.51739300 -0.15178800 N/A N/A 528336 181449
W1U 3EA 51.51633000 -0.15224900 N/A N/A 528307 181330
W1U 3EB 51.51638500 -0.15230500 2 3 528303 181336
W1U 3ED 51.51624800 -0.15220900 N/A N/A 528310 181321
W1U 3EE 51.51618400 -0.15212600 3 3 528316 181314
W1U 3EH 51.51617300 -0.15258700 N/A N/A 528284 181312
W1U 3EJ 51.51626400 -0.15264100 2 2 528280 181322
W1U 3EL 51.51608500 -0.15255100 1 2 528287 181302
W1U 3EN 51.51599300 -0.15258000 N/A N/A 528285 181292
W1U 3ER 51.51795300 -0.15542700 N/A N/A 528082 181505
W1U 3ES 51.51605200 -0.15175600 N/A N/A 528342 181300
W1U 3ET 51.51637500 -0.15156000 3 7 528355 181336
W1U 3EU 51.51800900 -0.15542800 N/A N/A 528082 181511
W1U 3EW 51.51593100 -0.15261100 N/A N/A 528283 181285
W1U 3EX 51.51286400 -0.15030000 3 6 528452 180948
W1U 3EY 51.51800800 -0.15545300 1 1 528080 181511
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